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Head to toe, we've got you covered. If you don't see what you need help with reach out. We have therapists with specialized training in many areas of Physical Therapy.

Some ways we can help

Spine pain is common but no two cases are the same. You deserve an individualized approach to your pain. Our Doctors of Physical Therapy take the time to evaluate and establish a plan specific to you and your needs.

Back & Neck Pain

Elbow & Shoulder Pain

Elbow or shoulder pain can be a real burden, and affect a wide variety of sports, daily activities, and overall quality of life. Understanding the causes and treatments can help you manage and alleviate pain, limitations, deficits, and discomfort. 

Are you experiencing ankle or foot pain? You're not alone! These pains can arise from various causes, such as overuse, injury, or underlying medical conditions. A few common causes that PT can help with include arthritis, strains/ sprains, tendinintis, tendinopathies, and many more.

Foot & Ankle Pain

Pre Op & Post Op

The PNW and North ID have many great surgeons and surgical options. We are here to help you prepare, or rehab before and after a wide variety of orthopedic, MSK, and neurological surgeries or operations. 

Hip & Knee Pain

Hip and knee pain can be common, irritating, and very limiting to one's every day life, work duties, and daily tasks. Causes can include meniscus injuries, OA, sprains and strains, bursitis, patellar dysfunction, labral injuries, and tendinopathies. Talk to one of our therapists about how to address it, decrease it, and get you back to doing what you love most.

We treat conditions including concussion, vestibular migraines, BPPV, atypical BPPV, and impairments associated with: Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke, Diabetes, Cerebellar disease, POTS, bilateral vestibulopathies, vestibulotoxicity, Mal De Debarquement Syndrome, SMD/MDDS/MARD/PPV/PPPD/Motor conversion, and many more. 

Balance/Concussion/Vestibular/ Neurological

Pelvic Floor

Pelvic floor disorders among women are alarmingly prevalent. Did you know that Pelvic floor disorders affect approximately 10% of women ages 29-39, it steadily climbs to a prevalence of 50% of women experiencing pelvic floor disorders by the age of 80. From pregnancy, post partum care, incontinece, leakage, pelvic pain and everything in between we have you covered.  

We treat long term pain with a modern, evidence based, personalized approach. We understand that you need more than quick fixes and generic treatments. We use a combination of manual therapy techniques, strengthening, mobility, goal setting, and patient education to address your needs and limitations. 

Persistent Pain


Other techniques and methods we utilize 

  • Dry needling 

  • BFR (blood flow restriction therapy) 

  • Joint mobilizations and manipulations 

  • Myofascial techniques, cupping, IASTM

  • Red Infrared light (click for our paid affiliate link & shop)

  • BalanceWear  

  • Pneumex body weight treadmill system 

  • Aquatics in warm water therapy pool (Sandpoint) 

  • Video infrared vestibular goggles 

  • Virtual reality programs 

Cornerstone PT & Aquatics

1301 N Division,

Sandpoint, ID 83864 

Tel: 208.265.0610 option 1

Opening Hours:

Mon - Thur: 8am - 5pm 

​​Friday: 8am - 2pm ​

Granite Point PT & Wellness

6101 Hwy 54, Unit J

Athol, ID 83801

Tel: 208.265.0610 option 2

Opening Hours:

Mon - Thur: 8am - 5pm 

​​Friday: 8am - 2pm ​

Contact Us

Please do not include protected health information in your message.

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